Saturday, May 19, 2007

"The Devil Made Him Do It!"

Joshua Mauldin is in the Galveston County Jail.

He faces a charge of injury to a child causing serious bodily harm. The charge carries a possible prison term of five to 99 years as well as a fine of up to $10,000.

Why would a 19 year old father be in jail? For putting his 2 month old daughter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Is that not insane? What on earth could possess someone to do such a heinous act, especially to an innocent 2 month old infant? His explanation:

He called 911 last Thursday, saying his baby had been burned in the hotel room when he tripped while carrying a pot of hot water to make coffee.

Well, the police are just not that dumb. They don't just take someone's word for for it, especially when a child is involved. Thank goodness!

And worse yet, his wife and mother of the infant (who has been taken away from the couple) is DEFENDING him.

“That was not my husband; my husband is a wonderful father. Satan was working through his weaknesses,” and Eva Mauldin said her husband Joshua is “not the monster people are making him out to be.”

She blames the devil and some form of a demonic possession of her husband for what happened.

She has said that he has some kind of mental illness (that of course she won't say what it is) and no one will help him with that. She says that he was becoming a minister to overcome his problems. Yeah right. Good try lady.

Man, 19, is accused of microwaving baby
State takes daughter of man accused of putting her in microwave
Microwaved baby suspect's family shocked
Mom: Satan to blame for microwaved baby
Baby burned in microwave should recover
Microwaved baby to get out of hospital soon
The Vault
Josh's MySpace
Eva's MySpace

Friday, May 04, 2007

Halloween trailer *yeah*

OK, I am a huge fan of the original Halloween movie. It is my all time favorite horror movie. I never wanted it to be remade. Then I heard that Rob Zombie was doing it, but it was not to be a "remake" but a reimagining of the story. It took a bit, but I am now so excited for it! I love Rob Zombie's music and other movies. In fact, The Devil's Rejects is in my Top 10 movies!

So, watch the trailer. It looks pretty good to me!

I love Harry Potter, and..

I found this hilarious!

Ask A Ninja: Question 10 "Ninja Metal"

My friend at work showed this to me a while back and it is hilarious!

*Parents* caged and shock at least one of their children in Ohio

Now here is a couple that defies logic and reason, besides being sociopathic and just plain downright despicable. These "parents", Jessica Botzko, 28, and John Westover, 37, are charged with child endangerment and also with making and/or selling drugs in front of the children. On Tuesday, their 10 year old son took his 5 year old brother and ran away and told police that he was tired of being locked in cages. This 10 year old boy had also been forced to wear a remote controlled shock collar that was designed to help train animals. Wow! What wonderful parents. Treating their children as if they were animals. It is unknown yet if the younger boy was caged or shocked, but I am sure he was not treated kindly either.

Another thing has come to light during this investigation:

Westover has an extensive record and was wanted on a child endangering charge in suburban Toledo, authorities said. The couple had a daughter who died of sudden infant death syndrome a few years ago, Carroll said. Police plan to take another look at her death.

Drugging dad locked boy in cage, police say
Police: Ohio Couple Shocked, Caged Son
Police: Ohio couple shocked, caged son
Police: Couple put boy in cage, collar
Cops: Parents of caged boy had prior cases
Toledo parents charged for caging their kids
Parents in jail for child endangering

Not a shocker: For Paris Hilton, it is 45 days in jail

Today was Paris Hilton's day in court. And it was probably not her best or favorite day. The Judge found her in violation of her probation and sentenced her to 45 days in jail. And he meant 45 days in jail. He said Paris:

must go to jail on June 5 and she will be allowed no work release, no furloughs, no use of an alternative jail and no electronic monitoring in lieu of jail, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled after a hearing.

Unfortunately, she was 10 minutes late for court, and I am sure that it did not impress the Judge. However, I am not sure that being on time would have changed her sentence, either.

She does have a month before she must start serving her sentence and I wonder if she will appeal it during that time. However, I believe her sentence is fair and hopefully will be a wake-up call for her to look at her behavior and her life. After all, I am sure that there are actually many who look up to her as a role model and this is not the kind of behavior that anyone should be looking up to.

Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days in jail
Paris Hilton Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail for Probation Violation
Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days in jail
Paris Hilton is sentenced to 45 days in jail
Paris Ordered to Serve 45 Days in Jail
Paris Hilton Online

Song of the Day: Is This Love by Whitesnake

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Song of the Day: Rhythm of Love by The Scorpions

John Kenneth Freeman: *alledged* child rapist arrested in Hong Kong

Alledged child rapist John Kenneth Freeman, a former Washington State Sheriff's Deputy, was arrested and jailed in Hong Kong on Wednesday. Freeman is wanted for mulitiple counts of child rape and for videotaping and photographing these assaults. In plain English, he raped his daughter several times and then posted video and pictures of it online. What a scumbag. He was arrested orginally on the charges and posted $50,000 bail and then fled. His daughter, Kylie, is now a teenager and an advocate against child sexual abuse, who has spoken out against her father. It was with her help that investigators and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children pieced her story together, along with evidence of the videos online that had appeared of this child rape.

Authorities charge that Freeman raped his daughter over a two-year period, starting when she was 10 years old. He videotaped the scenes and posted them online in what, they said, became "one of the most widely downloaded child pornography videos" in recent history, seen by millions.

And then there is her mother, Maleka, who has been arrested when she returned from China on May 3, as it appears she has been helping her husband, yes, the man who abused and raped her daughter. What a loving mother.

Alleged American child rapist arrested in Hong Kong
Notorious American Accused of Child Abuse to Appear in Hong Kong Court Friday
America's Most Wanted
US Marshall's Wanted Poster
US Marshall's Press Release
Captured: 'King of the Child Exploitation Suspects'
Wife of 'most wanted' man charged with lying

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Don Imus planning to sue CBS

Rumors are now flying that Don Imus plans to sue CBS for the $40 million dollars left on his contract after being fired last month. He has reportedly hired Martin Garbus, a New York-based attorney from the law firm Davis & Gilbert, and is one of the most recognized First Amendment lawyers. Apparently his contract stated that he was to receive a warning before ever being fired for saying something "offensive", which is what he made his career out of. So it had to be pretty bad to even get a warning. I believe if he had received a warning previous to this incident, it would have been reported previously.

My take? What he was was inappropriate, but not out of character for him, from what I have read. I never listened to his radio show, so I have no idea what he talked about. However, two things come to mind. First, freedom of speech. Doesn't this apply to him? Doesn't he have the right to his own opinion, regardless of how it makes others feel? Secondly, since Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson seemed to really push this, shouldn't this double standard go for all? After all, didn't Jesse Jackson once call New York "Hymie Town"? And Reverend Sharpton, what about the Tawana Brawley incident? These two seem to make their "careers" out of defaming the white race and glorifying the black race, regardless of the situation. But no one else can have their own opinions? Does not seem right to me.

Imus hires attorney, will likely sue CBS
Imus reportedly poised to sue CBS Radio
Report: With $40 Million of Lost Salary at Stake, Imus Hires Legal Pit Bull to Battle CBS

Dumb criminal of the day: Samuel Chandler

OK, I have heard some stupid things, but this has to be close to the top. Samuel Chandler was arrested for printing off kiddie porn at a Kinko's! A Kinko's! Why on earth would you go there to print off illegal kiddie porn? Ask Samuel and he will tell you it is because he does not have a computer!! Wow. Some may say that honesty is the best policy, but still! He is now facing 234 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, one charge for each pornographic image that was on a computer disk he had.

A couple of alert customers saw what he was printing and called the police. And he was still printing off images when the police arrived. They searched his vehicle and found more there as well. Now the police are investigating to see where he got the disks with the kiddie porn on it, since he did not own a computer.

Man Arrested for Printing Kiddie Porn at Kinko's
Salt Lake man faces child porn charges

Song of the Day: Welcome to the Jungle by Guns 'N Roses

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Everyone loves a sex scandal, don't they? Unless they are the center of it!

Deborah Jeane Palfrey is becoming a household name these days. Better known as the "D.C. Madam", she is in the news almost daily, due to her pending legal case (she is charged with federal racketeering charges). She ran "Pamela Martin and Associates", which she says was a legal escort service: (according to her website)

Ms. Palfrey adamantly disputes the government’s claims of illegal behavior. The business, Pamela Martin and Associates, functioned as a high-end adult fantasy firm which offered legal sexual and erotic services across the spectrum of adult sexual behavior and did so without incident during its 13 year tenure

Of course, now everyone is wondering if she will publish her "client list". She did turn over phone records to ABC for a 20/20 segment, but it is unknown what they will do with them.

She has also reportedly handed her client list over to ABC News – a list that includes "people…at the Pentagon, lobbyists, others at the White House, prominent lawyers — a long, long list," according to Brian Ross.

So far, Deborah as released one name: Randall Tobias, who was an Ambassador (title: Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and US Agency for International Development Administrator), who then turned in his resignation due to this scandal. Deborah plans to call as many of her clients as necessary at her trial to prove that she was not running a prostitution ring or call girl service. Randall Tobias denied anykinds of sex, but rather, the girls came over for massages.

This Friday, May 4th may be a telling day, as that is the day that the 20/20 episode will air. I am sure that there are many people in D.C. dreading this, wondering, waiting to see if their name will be announced. My guess, yes, names will be said. After all, it is in the ratings! My advice to anyone who even thinks that their name could be announced or that they could be affected by this, be prepared.

One thing I do wonder is how will all of this affect Deborah's pending criminal charges? Will announcing her client list endear her to them? Will they want to testify for her? How many of them are willing to cause problems for themselves to help her? My guess is not many at all.

I guess we will see Friday night what direction this is going!

D.C. Madam Madness! “Just say: ‘Anal sex’” (a very good post on this)
Deborah Jeane Palfrey Legal Defense Fund
'I Abhor Injustice,' Alleged Madam Says
Deborah Jeane Palfrey, Washington D.C. Madam to Expose 10,000
State Department official resigns over 'D.C. madam'
More Names Possible in D.C. Escort Case
Accused Madam Says Client Records Will Aid Defense
'D.C. Madam': Releasing clients' numbers not blackmail
Resignation of Ambassador Randall Tobias
Tobias drawn further into sex scandal
Saga of 'D.C. madam' has bigwigs on edge
D.C. madam has a list, and everyone wants to see it
D.C. madam wants Washington clients to testify
The D.C. Madam List: Is It Our Business?

Song of the Day: Balls to the Wall by Accept