He faces a charge of injury to a child causing serious bodily harm. The charge carries a possible prison term of five to 99 years as well as a fine of up to $10,000.
Why would a 19 year old father be in jail? For putting his 2 month old daughter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Is that not insane? What on earth could possess someone to do such a heinous act, especially to an innocent 2 month old infant? His explanation:
He called 911 last Thursday, saying his baby had been burned in the hotel room when he tripped while carrying a pot of hot water to make coffee.
Well, the police are just not that dumb. They don't just take someone's word for for it, especially when a child is involved. Thank goodness!

And worse yet, his wife and mother of the infant (who has been taken away from the couple) is DEFENDING him.
“That was not my husband; my husband is a wonderful father. Satan was working through his weaknesses,” and Eva Mauldin said her husband Joshua is “not the monster people are making him out to be.”
She blames the devil and some form of a demonic possession of her husband for what happened.
She has said that he has some kind of mental illness (that of course she won't say what it is) and no one will help him with that. She says that he was becoming a minister to overcome his problems. Yeah right. Good try lady.
Man, 19, is accused of microwaving baby
State takes daughter of man accused of putting her in microwave
Microwaved baby suspect's family shocked
Mom: Satan to blame for microwaved baby
Baby burned in microwave should recover
Microwaved baby to get out of hospital soon
The Vault
Josh's MySpace
Eva's MySpace