Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Dumb criminal of the day: Samuel Chandler

OK, I have heard some stupid things, but this has to be close to the top. Samuel Chandler was arrested for printing off kiddie porn at a Kinko's! A Kinko's! Why on earth would you go there to print off illegal kiddie porn? Ask Samuel and he will tell you it is because he does not have a computer!! Wow. Some may say that honesty is the best policy, but still! He is now facing 234 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, one charge for each pornographic image that was on a computer disk he had.

A couple of alert customers saw what he was printing and called the police. And he was still printing off images when the police arrived. They searched his vehicle and found more there as well. Now the police are investigating to see where he got the disks with the kiddie porn on it, since he did not own a computer.

Man Arrested for Printing Kiddie Porn at Kinko's
Salt Lake man faces child porn charges

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