Friday, November 24, 2006

MIchelle Turney's body has been found

Sadly, Kimberly Turney's body was found yesterday, Thanksgiving. However, it was under some strange circumstances. The area where she was found, had been searched several time, and as recently as an hour before. She was found by her cousin, Jeremy. When her body was found, she was very badly beaten, from head to to, covered in bruises. However, since cause of death is not yet known, it is not being classified as a homicide. I am not sure when the autopsy will be, but my guess is that it will then be classified as a homicide. I did read and hear that the police are watching the home of the ex-boyfriend (who she had filed several restraining orders against). It is not known if they are doing this to watch him as a suspect or to make sure that no one goes after him. Both very vaild thoughts.

Right now, my heart goes out to Kim's friends and family, especially her 2 young sons. I hope they find peace in their lives adn can remember her with all the love in the world.

Missing Woman's Body Found Near Vernal
Body of Missing Woman Found
Kim Turney's body found in Uintah County
Body of missing Jensen woman is found

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